sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2009

Live Music

Art Jazz Club
Address: Blvd. Nicolae Balcescu 23A
Tel: 722.589.058
Open: Tue. - Sun. 1:00pm - 3:00am; Closed Mon.

Green Hours 22 Jazz Café
Address: Calea Victoriei 120
Tel: (21) 314.57.51
Open: 24 hours

Laptaria lui Enache/ La Motor
Address: Blvd. Nicolae Balcescu 2
Tel: (21) 315.85.08
Located nearby the National Theatre, this bar is filled with university students, artists, musicians and young professionals. Usually crowded, the bar (called Laptaria lui Enache) is open all year long, while its rooftop counterpart (called La Motor) is open only during the summer when movies are shown on the terrace. At Laptaria, you can catch live music most evenings.

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