sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2009


The Russians introduced the Stanislavski technique - the method which gave the world Marlon Brando - to Romanian theatre and this keeps acting standards high. While most theatre productions are performed in Romanian, sometimes, it is possible to find performances in German or English at various small theatres. The theatre season closes during the summer, from July to September, although some small student and underground theatres do remain open.

National Theatre (Teatrul National)
Address: Blvd Nicolae Bálcescu 2
Tel: (21) 314.71.71
Three auditoriums host professional domestic and foreign plays by a broad selection of both classical and contemporary Romanian playwrights. The theatre's Big Hall (Sala Mare), hosts the grand productions, while the Amphitheatre (Sala Amfiteatru) shows smaller productions and TV shows, and the Studio Hall (Sala Atelier) gets a mix of low-key shows and presentations.

National Jewish Theatre (Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat)
Address: Str. Dr. Iuliu Barasch 15
Tel: (21) 323.39.70
The Jewish Theatre presents plays in Yiddish, Hebrew or Romanian (with translations via headphones).

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