sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2009

Opera and Ballet

National Opera & Ballet (Opera Nationala Romana)
Address: Blvd. Mihail Kogalniceanu 70-72
Tel: (21) 313.18.57
Box office hours: Mon. - Sun. 10:00am - 1:00pm & 2:00pm - 7:00pm
The city's artistic life stood up to its Parisian nickname in the 1930s and today, is as vibrant as ever. The Opera House, completed in 1953, is worth visiting, not only for its brilliant performances but also for the lavish interior design. The world-renowned Romanian Opera performs in Romanian as well as Italian and German. You will be able to enjoy the classic repertoire - Puccini, Verdi, Rossini, Mozart -, innovative staging, lavish costumes, seasoned performers and choreographers. The Romanian National Ballet also performs in this theatre. Performances are held Wednesday through Sunday evenings, except during July and August.

National Operetta Theatre (Teatrul National de Opereta 'Ioan Dacian')
Address: Blvd. Nicoale Balcescu 2
Tel: (21) 313.63.48
Box office hours: Tue. - Sat. 11:00am - 6:00pm; Sun. 2:00pm - 6:00pm; Closed Mon.
Comic plots, extravagant staging, lavish costumes, high caliber singers and orchestra are all part of the charm of the light, frothy performances at the Ion Dacian Operetta.

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